What You Should Know About Hair Transplant Turkey?

Content Writer

Prathyusha Itikarlapalli

- Content Writer

Posted May 07, 2024
Get rid of those hair loss woes with a hair transplant in Turkey! Achieve that voluminous, natural-looking hairline while enjoying significant savings. This article is your all-inclusive guide, providing a comprehensive overview of candidacy, timeline, and post-operative care. Keep reading to feel confident and well-informed about this solution!
What You Should Know About Hair Transplant Turkey?
What You Should Know About Hair Transplant Turkey?

Key Takeaways

  • A hair transplant Turkey is a miraculous solution for your hair loss woes, provided you have enough donor hair and are free from scalp diseases.
  • Smoking or suffering from conditions like diabetes, autoimmune problems, and hypertension can make the healing process difficult. This makes you an underqualified candidate for a hair transplant Turkey.
  • By following effective post-op care measures, you can expect 100% results after 12 months of having a hair transplant in Turkey. 

Hair transplants in Turkey offer a solution for thinning hair problems. You can achieve that dream look with a minimally invasive, budget-friendly Turkey hair transplant. The results are so natural-looking that it's hard to detect when a hair transplant is done. This reassures you of a seamless transformation. Are you interested in getting the procedure? You’ll need to qualify for that! 

Who Is a Candidate for a Hair Transplant Turkey?

Your hair transplant doctor will examine you carefully to determine your candidature for a hair transplant in Turkey. Don’t worry about the cost! This initial hair and scalp analysis will be included in the hair transplant Turkey cost. The doctor will understand your hair loss pattern and history. Only suitable candidates can expect success in hair transplant.

  • Scalp condition: Having a scalp infection or disease can interfere with your healing process after a hair transplant. Hence, your scalp should be clean and free of any infection or dermatological disease.
  • Hair loss pattern: Your hair loss pattern should resemble a typical patterned alopecia. You are not a candidate if you suffer from patchy hair loss or scalp scarring. These conditions indicate underlying problems like Alopecia areata or discoid lupus erythematosus. In such situations, further evaluation will be performed by dermoscopy and scalp biopsy to confirm the existing condition.
  • Donor hair: Poor or limited quality donor hair can yield dissatisfactory results. This is common if your hair loss pattern enters an advanced stage. So, you need to have enough hair left on the scalp to be an eligible candidate. 
  • Smoking: Smokers cannot show better results after a hair transplant. This is because smoking impacts the body’s vascular condition, and it is better to quit smoking at least 4 to 8 weeks before a hair transplant. 
  • Medical conditions: Health problems like diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, and blood coagulation disorders can interfere with healing, resulting in dissatisfactory outcomes. 
  • Expectations and psychological disorders: Having realistic expectations and staying free from psychological problems is a crucial factor to consider for better outcomes after a hair transplant. 

Source: NCBI[1]

Limited Donor Hair

Following your initial examination and determination of your candidacy, your hair transplant doctor in Turkey will brief you on the procedure and help you understand the treatment timeline. You can expect to see realistic outcomes after 6 months post-hair transplant in Turkey. Your hair implants start to grow within 3-4 months. By 6-12 months, the grafts attain a length of 5-7 cm, and by 9 months, you will notice 60-70% hair growth. This proceeds to 90% hair growth by 10 months, attaining 100% results by 12 months duration. Hence, you can expect definite results 12 months after your hair transplant in Turkey when done by an expert. 

Getting implants at hair transplant Turkey best clinic doesn’t ensure you get the desired outcomes. Post-procedural care is crucial for the success of a hair transplant in Turkey. This will help your care and nourish the growing implants to help them attain their fullest. Continue reading to learn about post-op care.

Hair Transplant Turkey: Post-Op Care

The post-op care of a hair transplant in Turkey starts on the day after surgery. 

  • The first hair wash after your hair transplant in Turkey needs to be as gentle and delicate as possible. Our partner clinics in Turkey offer you a complimentary first hair wash. The professionals will show the exact procedure to maintain that gentleness you need to adopt. Wear a therapeutic band provided with the post-op hair care kit for at least two days. 
  • You may notice slight facial swelling around your eyes and forehead areas two days after your hair transplant in Turkey. This is completely normal if it subsides within a few days. Besides, some patients experience slight tissue discharge out of the implant area, which is a part of the normal healing process. Do not touch your scalp during the first week of your hair transplant. 
  • Naturally, the transplant area will develop scabs. They fall off by 10 days after your hair transplant. To encourage this process, you will be provided a cleansing foam with the post-op home care kit as a part of the hair transplant Turkey package. You may use it on the 8th day after your hair transplant.
  • Refrain yourself from participating in strenuous physical activities like sports or expose your scalp to the sun until one month after the hair transplant Turkey.
  • Approximately one month after your hair transplant, you experience some amount of hair fall. This is shock loss and typically occurs on the periphery of implanted areas. Follow your doctor's instructions, like massaging the donor area to improve blood circulation in the scalp and heal better.
  • Gradually, the scabs fall off, and hair regrowth starts and attains its fullest by 12 months. You will start noticing optimal hair density with a natural finish by 12 months. However, don’t worry if the look isn’t finished by then. For some, it would take 15 months to obtain complete results.    

Does the New Hair Fall Off After a Hair Transplant Turkey?

The results you obtain after a hair transplant in Turkey are permanent and last for a lifetime. It's important to note that the transplanted hair falls off like the natural hair does. However, it will grow back as a part of the natural hair cycle. After all, you shifted the location of healthy hair follicles. Hence, they perform the same way since only their spot on the scalp has changed. Are you still worried? Check out the hair transplant Turkey reviews and before and after photographs of patients who underwent hair transplant in Turkey for a better understanding.  

Why look for temporary fixes when you can achieve long-lasting results for your hair? At Envoy Health, we are here at every turn, ready to assist you towards the dream look you’ve always desired. Sign up now, and let us hold hand-in-hand with you on your journey for your perfect look. 


  1. Is Every Patient of Hair Loss a Candidate for Hair Transplant?—Deciding Surgical Candidacy in Pattern Hair Loss


The information in this article is for educational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatments.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Your new hair implants will start growing within 3-4 months after your hair transplant in Turkey. They grow to a length of 5-7 cm by 9 months post-surgery. You can expect natural-looking voluminous hair within 12 months after a hair transplant Turkey. 


    During the initial consultation, discuss your entire medical history with the doctor. Your doctor will recommend some preparatory measures like quitting smoking or stopping the blood thinner medicine in case you use them. Following your doctor's advice will help you prepare for a hair transplant in Turkey.  


    Like any medical procedure, a hair transplant in Turkey has minor side effects. They are simple, like scalp itching, bleeding, or temporary hair fall, and don’t severely affect your daily life.


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